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    There are certain people who bring out the best in you. Just being around them raises your game, makes you a better version of yourself.

    – Karina Allrich

    Today’s a very meaningful day, God is great! So its my first time to actually enter an animation school, to attend an animation workshop taught by industry experts, to get a feel of the actual creative vibes from animators and above all, to spend that very meaningful workshop with a VERY (I’m so blessed to have you) GREAT sweet soul sister/friend/mentor, my Seema. We all have our biggest dreams, and mine is to become an animator. Three to five years from now, I would like to look back at this post and  be amazed at how a dream could actually come true if we are to truly honor it and embrace change. To Seema, I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful things and changes you have made in my life, as a person and as a woman. You have always supported me, believed in me and raised my game. What made me so LUCKY to deserve you!

    Friends, keep following your dreams. They are a big reminder of the big picture ahead of us!

    Happy Vibes 🙂


    Can’t take my eyes off you

    I spent my weekend visiting Kuala Lumpur Chinatown and was busy looking for a posh and budget-friendly laptop bag when suddenly and unexpectedly I saw something I can’t resist to hug and kiss.

    Tadaaan….. an eight month old Golden Retriever without a name. I called him “Cody“.

    I politely asked Louie (shop groomer) to take the big kid out of the cage so I can fulfill my life’s mission. hehe Continue Reading


    times like diz, I need a juicy fruit gum

    some not-so million years ago —


    On our way to meet up with DOLE Philippines admin pips, a senior citizen (failed to recognize road signs-instincts), crossed the road with all his senior citizen rights and…bam!
    Thank God we only “almost hit” him and dear Lord thank you, a big, beautiful bukol (lump) was the only painful remembrance I got. Glad everyone in the car was okay too.

    And by the size of the bukol, you can tell that the DOLE people never bothered asking “wtf happened to you”!??

    kids watch over your lolos and lolas


    I’ve never been so flattered in my life.

    Inside the MRT, a 10-yr old kid approached me

    Kid: Hello, do you have a boyfriend?
    Me: (stunned)
    Kid: husband? are you married?
    Me: no
    Kid: can I ask for your mobile number?
    Me: first tell me what you think my age is
    Kid: 38!

    Wow. I need some serious Vitamin E Overdose.

    the conversation continued…

    Kid: when is your bday?
    Me: Im turning 25 next month

    Kid: oh! so you were born on the year 1985
    Me: that’s right

    Kid: Im 10 yrs old, by the way my name is Terrence what is yours
    Me: Breachelle

    Kid: so Breachelle would you mind if I ask for your mobile number?
    (and the rest is history)

    Seriously, at what point should you ask for her telephone number? Oh Kids watch too much movies.


    (this happened last October 14, 2010 on my way to Bukit Batok station, Singapore)


    Spend enough time alone

    “ME Time” is very valuable to me. It is in those moments that I feel truly connected to myself. I love the experience of being free, feeling grateful, appreciating life and listening to my inner thoughts. I enjoy my own company. I love getting in touch with myself and just be.

    How liberating

    HAPPY 🙂
