Yay. I had an opportunity to turn my passion into a FUN/Fundraising event here in Singapore.
It’s wonderful that you can have a fun event and raise funds at the same time.
The experience was humbling, rewarding, joyful, exhausting, and just wow.
I’d like to thank Ate April, Joy, Michelle and my brother for their support in making my fundraising project happen.
Allow me to introduce you to my new passion. Tadaaaan, handmade accessories!
I always have a thing for “BOHO Chic” designs. Bohemian styles simply look “timeless” no matter the decade…or let’s just say an accepted fashion trend of any given period. I can assure you that 50 years from now, my designs won’t look “pre historic” at all. Gahaha
Five weeks before the bazaar sked, I started waving my magic wand creating these sweet little pieces. I literally had zero after-work happenings and used my valid weekend-party-excuse-coupons for those five straight weeks. Letter E for Effort.
All at insanely affordable prices….glad the people enjoyed shopping for charity.