So….Google Engage South East Asia Kick-Off was yesterday and it was a SUCCESS.
Atleast 5 high caliber speakers plus Googlers were there to confuse my mind about The Big AdMo Shift, the ReMarketing Strategy and a lot of meaty discussions that left me scratching my head.
Well, I’m Feeling Lucky 🙂 Gahaha
The training was a good kick for me to keep learning, to desire improving my strategies and to master The Google Learning Center (long overdue!). This time I will allocate more time for my Google studies so that next year (2012) I will pass my advanced certifications and make my parents proud.
That’s me down there making my stomach proud
Google ReMarketing Strategy a.k.a ReTargeting is an interesting tactic. Thanks to David Booth for making things easier to absorb. Basically, it’s about re-engaging past visitors to one’s site and allowing the advertiser to show the same/different ads to the same customer who previously clicked but failed to purchase the first time or follow through with their transactions.
This is me asking David how I can conquer the world.
The Mobile Advertising Shift. Now this is happening to Asia. Undeniably, Asia is driving the smartphone revolution and will continue to create a mobile opportunity that is, well…HUGE.
So smarties, how do you juggle work and play?
Well, it helps to have a Micro Kitchen like this!
and this! Dem Google 🙂
Now I know that I only have to work smarter not harder, because smart is the new skinny.
All the best to 2012 🙂 🙂 🙂
lotsa lotsa love
Photo credit: Google
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